New Moon Cancer Care
(971) 319-0410

The Journey

I became interested in seeking and sharing natural, complementary and alternative medicine when my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I knew there was something else out there that could benefit his health and well-being but wasn’t sure where or how to begin. Shortly thereafter, I left Wisconsin and embarked on a five-year doctoral program in Portland, OR at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM, formerly National College of Natural Medicine, NCNM) where I obtained not only a Naturopathic Doctorate (ND) but also a Master of Science (MS) in Integrative Medicine Research. At the Helfgott Research Institute, I designed a clinical trial related to herbal medicine and cancer. As an ND licensed in Oregon, I am a state recognized Primary Care Physician able to do all the things that doctors typically do; prescribe medications, order labs and imaging, even minor surgery. This wasn’t enough for me, however. After graduating, I learned Usui Reiki in order to offer patients a hands-on treatment in office. I have so far been amazed at how much it helps patients connect their mind, body and spirit. I have been an Usui Reiki Master and a Holy Fire® Reiki Master, a Vibrational Sound Practitioner, an Emotion Code and Body Code practitioner for years, and most recently, a Pranic Healer (basic level) with advancement to come. I am currently located in Daytona Beach, FL and still seeing Oregon patients via TeleMedicine. Here, I obtained the Thera Wellness device and am certified to operate it, further expanding the integrative services I offer. I strongly believe that cancer not only affects mind, body, spirit, but can be affected by mind, body, spirit and therefore I emphasize a truly wholistic approach combining naturopathic health and wellness with energy medicine and life coaching as a cancer transformation guide. My learning is far from over, healthcare is a rapidly evolving field and knowledge both folk, spiritual and evidence-based will be what I continue to strive for.

On a personal level, I like to balance my work life out with play and peace. I can be found spending time celebrating life with friends, on rejuvenating dips in the ocean or walks on the beach with my partner, practicing yoga, working out, making YouTube and Rumble videos, diving into programs on personal and spiritual development or relaxing at home with a book and a cup of tea. I love live music, festivals, magick and unicorns, vampire movies, crafting and creating and am currently working on manifesting my dream of creating a high vibrational overnight retreat center for cancer patients!


I consider myself a spiritual person and so this theme runs through all aspects of my being and life, including New Moon Cancer Care. I highly value and respect individual autonomy, expression and self-actualization. Our team approach to your healing will vary accordingly. Evidence-based medicine has an integral place in treatment but for those interested, I also offer metaphysical, ethereal and ritual healing.

Dr. Lisa's Philosophy

New Moon Cancer Care provides those affected by cancer (current diagnosis, in remission, high risk looking for how to prevent) with a way toward true wholistic wellness. I am a Naturopathic Practitioner, Energy Worker, and Life Coach but I do not heal the patient. I am a facilitator. This is a team effort. Studies show that cancer patients have a higher likelihood of survival when they feel a sense of control, when they listen to their intuition regarding treatment, choose to undergo a treatment that they believe in, and play an active role in it. The end goal at NMCC is to devise an individualized health program that resonates with each unique person. My aim is to address not only the physical body but the mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual planes, as appropriate, based on these individualized needs and desires.


For those choosing conventional care, I offer support for the side effects, protection for organs and tissues, and increased quality of life and ability to withstand full treatment dose. I also can work together with the oncologist to potentially increase effectiveness of these conventional treatments, by offering synergistic complements. All of this increases quality of life, compliance, and therefore can improve outcomes. For those who feel that conventional treatment is not something that they are willing to do, I offer alternatives. In either case, I believe (and I am not alone) that for a deep healing to occur with any dis-ease state, we need to dive deep within ourselves and do the inner work. For this reason I have designed a comprehensive life coaching program.

“Everyone who is seriously interested in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe.” – Albert Einstein

Professional Memberships

Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians

Society for Integrative Oncology
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians
Florida Naturopathic Physicians Association

National University of Natural Medicine Alumni

The International Center for Reiki Research

Pranic Healing Research Institute

United States Psychotronics Association

Global Information Network

Contact Info

Phone: (971) 319-0410

This video outlines my drive behind starting New Moon Cancer Care. Check out other videos on Rumble by Dr. Lisa Matejka Here

NBR Interviews

A sampling of Dr. Lisa Matejka’s weekly appearance on NBR’s radio show as she explains New Moon Cancer Care in depth.

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